The wood stove is going 24 hours a day, and given the lack of insulation in my house, so is the furnace. Even with all that fuel consumption it would be wrong to assume that I was warm. Not frozen, unless I move away from the wood stove, but rarely warm unless I stay in bed.
But, this is near the end of January so one has hopes of warmer days soon. The days are certainly brighter and longer and that gives me delight. I haven't gone through my favourite list of winter soups yet so that's something. Today's plan is an Italian tomato bread soup to use up the last of a baguette and because I love tomato soup. I wonder if some roasted fennel seeds would be a good addition to this batch, I also have some fennel fronds for flavouring and will add a chili or two for extra punch.
A friend called me this morning and asked as we were wrapping up the conversation, what I planned to do today. Answer: as little as possible. As noon approaches I've done very well with this mission--haven't even had breakfast. Am toying with the idea of having brioche french toast, but the mind is not yet made up on that--and I'd have to move out of my recliner.
I remember when I lived out west that a day when it was a mere -20C seemed like a good day to go to town and do errands or just wander around for a change of scenery. Now, many years later of course, I figure if it is below -5C I shouldn't even have to go outdoors or maybe get out of bed. Some of this may be due to my bones getting older and colder, but I suspect I've lost my prairie hardiness in this softer maritime climate. Also, it is rarely very cold here while on the prairies it stays cold for months at a time.

Knitting report: the Pi shawl is making excellent progress and I'll have photos of it soon. The 'marmalade' sweater is done except for darning in ends so it will be washed and blocked today. Progress on the Seaman's scarf I began over Xmas has halted as I've been working on the Pi Shawl. Next finishing project will be the Sakori vest, the scarf and Ms C's thrum mittens.
Spinning report: two fibers being spun--one lot on the Little Gem, the other on the Schacht, but neither getting much attention. I don't have enough of anything now spun up to start a new project, actually not even enough for socks. That's not good. I'm spinning a charcoal fleece in hopes I have enough to try a gansey. The blend I'm spinning on the Gem is meant for a vest.

Beading report: I've been spending a great deal of time making the sweetest little stitch markers. I have several sets in the local yarn shop and will post pictures soon; today should see me cutting jump rings for the 30 or so sets that are ready for them.
Work report: Back to full time work for at least six weeks and probably longer. Bonus--it will make for better EI come spring. Meanwhile I have a lot less play time, or even time to keep laundry caught up. Hence my doing nothing on the weekend means laundry, cooking, knitting, beading and spinning. What of reading and writing you ask? What indeed.
Travel dream report: Have a stash of cash for a trip to Italy but still waiting for travel documents to appear--don't feel I should make definite plans until I'm sure I can get on a plane to go. This business is taking forever!