Mid-week blahs
My energy has tanked today; and why that should be so on a gloriously sunny warmish day I'm not sure. Possibly because it has now been two days without any spinning. Clearly life is not happily sustainable unless I spin something every day, it's either that or alcohol and as I can't afford the latter, spinning it will be. Think I'll have a salad for supper and then go to the wheel for some productive meditation time. Then knitting and perhaps a movie until bedtime.
Have decided that I need to WORK the next several days, prepare for the portfolio sessions which I'm facilitating next week and just generally catch my breath in terms of my work commitments.
The road trip was unsettling because we were asked if we wanted to present at a major conference in June. More on that when I have details and confirmation. Even more unsettling was news that the career resource centre in this town is very likely defunct. This is a terrible bureaucratic move, a waste of resources as well as a reputation for excellent work with clients which has been built over many years. Who is going to do this work now?--persons/organization so far unknown. And does that leave me any options to do contract work for the CRC?--I doubt it. It's the old 'one door closes, another door opens' but at the moment it seems to me that doors and windows are bolted and I have too few options for income earning in the immediate future. Much as I enjoy subsistence on pogie, it has a very limited run--until sometime in September. Then what?
Well I can always bury myself in books. I have a huge stack on loan from the library and the CRC. Books on the history of Naples and the library of the Papyri in Herculaneum, American Fascists by Chris Hedges, Work Identity, Narrative Therapy, Ellis Peters mysteries, and a knitting mystery. Throw in a few cutesy self-help books and knitting and spinning magazines and you have a fuzzy picture of what I'm entertaining myself with at the moment.
Meanwhile (I'm very fond of this word lately) I have to get off my duff and do something--either about supper or spinning but have been sitting here for an hour without the ability to make up my mind which it should be. That energy thing you know.
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