I spent the day in Halifax shopping in the best 2nd hand clothing stores for what I believe is called business attire. My personal style is on the order of, hey, this is comfy, not too ugly, a natural fibre and it works for me. Never elegant it's true, but I'm of the birkenstock generation and persuasion so comfort is very high on my agenda. Zoot suits, not so much. But now I have an image to foster: consultant and speechifying geek and comfort, while still important, is second to my image and first impression. Sigh.
Okay there were things I tried on that made me feel I was over 100, or shopping for my own funeral outfit, didn't buy those. There were other things I had to have and didn't buy because they were too expensive for used clothing; what I came home with were three jackets and two vests, all of it comfy for its type and adequate to the need to make a professional first impression.
Whaaaa, why can't I just wear handspun & handknit sweaters with dressy khakis? Not professional apparently, even when I feel proud as can be about the handspun sweaters. Clearly, not enough people in the business world share my taste for the handmade. And I'm deemed idiotic rather than competent for preferring my handmade casual style--as in you couldn't possibly have anything important to offer if you're dressed like that!
Next phase of this make over thing is to try on these pieces and make 'outfits'. Anyone who knows me at all well will laugh themselves silly at this notion of me and outfits. I consider myself completely outfitted for summer if I'm covered, wearing unstained clothing (always a challenge, that's what Shout is for) and have at least Crocs on my feet. Yes, outfit complete!
Actually the truly terrifying aspect of the next phase of this make over concerns under garments. I refuse to specify or give further details, all you need to know is that a forty year tradition is at risk.
Meanwhile, on the needles: a cotton tank top, a vest for autumn, a silk scarf in checkerboard lace, cabled socks, several pairs of plain socks in interesting yarns. Nagging to get on the needles: the Fiddlesticks pattern of the Rainbow shawl, done without the rainbow in garnet wool/silk blend; considering a legion of other projects but need to get more spinning done so I have enough yarn to swatch for them first.
I saw an interesting thing on a blog I read recently, a little colour bar that tells the reader how much progress has been made on each project on the needles, say 20% or 55%.
The lily surprise is from my garden. Last year the deer ate all the buds so I had no idea what I had, now I know, white and also golden lilies!
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