It's been a week to endure and grin, whether I feel like grinning or not. Did a road trip to St. John, NB Monday and Tuesday, to present for and hour and a half on my favourite topic--how to get boomers motivated to take on new life challenges, post job loss, post depression and the 'what the @!*# am I doing with my life anyway'? Been there, done that, continuously re-inventing myself and with more revenue sources would be happy to do so even more enthusiastically. So driving 1000 kms in two days isn't my favourite way to spend time, but as a) I didn't do the driving, and b) I got to knit most of a sock in good company while Amie drove, I have nothing to complain about. Besides I was out of the office-cave for two days and spent those two days in daylight--what a concept!
Meanwhile on the knitting front the shawl project continues to grow (at last, attempt 7 is working). If my other six attempts had been successful, I'd be done by now, but we'll call this a learning experience. And another shawl I'm contemplating will be started in January so I have a year until my deadline, not two months and I don't know what I'm doing. I love knitting denial, it is so very entertaining.
Sunday afternoon, listening to opera on the internet, having already schlepped firewood to the porch, laundry in progress and knitting soon to be.
My biggest frustration, always, seems to be that I can think up so much more I want to do, try, play with, than I have time to indulge. I've had my painting stuff out and ready to play with for months and have yet to put brush to pigment. I've only been at the spinning wheel about 2 hours in the last month, I need to map out my new web site and revamp content for the present one; I have a dozen knitting projects I'm just twitchy with wanting to begin; there are a stack of books to read; I've not written anything except blog posts (and haven't they be massive and often?) since the summer. One would have to wonder what one does with one's time.
Do we have a time theme here? What me, the 60 year old Capricorn late bloomer boomer worried about time? Nah, couldn't be. For the record--I don't want to work at a job, I want to play, all the time, everyday: as a writer, painter, weaver, spinner, knitter, gardener and amateur chef. I don't have time for a job; but without one I don't eat, so what to do, what to do??? Oh joy, your other name is Old Age Pension! Four more years....
If it's any consolation it's not just something that happens in your old age. Time management is a boring thing to do, but it helps.
You are supposed to lead on Sis, I'm following! Annie
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