Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Six weeks into winter and counting...

There have been a few, a very few, bright sunny and above zero celcius days. I welcome such days. For some reason this winter seems unduly long and relentlessly cold. Perhaps I'm simply noticing it more because I'm home this year so have more time to notice many things. I'm not a fan of winter, mostly because I can't see what you can do outdoors in a world of ice and snow. I'm not the outdoors type so don't do winter activities such as snow-shoeing or skiing. Any walking that I consider is put on hold until I can take a simple walk to the corner post-box without falling and breaking something. Apparently it will be a while before that's possible.

Meanwhile indoor activities of the knitting and spinning sort continue to flourish. I'm making progress on a sweater that only needs the second sleeve and the button band/collar; have a new sweater begun, have a Shetland style shawl underway and the usual collection of socks. On the spinning wheel we are making good progress with the lace weight qiviut which needs to be done before I go on my 'winter' vacation later in March, so I can knit it up before the end of May.

More needs to be done in the work project department but as there is more light every day outdoors and faint hints of spring eventually, so too will my project revive and unfold. Everything in due course.

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