Monday, September 01, 2008

Knitting with paper clips?

I have a quantity of very fine silk. Think fine sewing thread. The last use for this silk (oh, so many years ago) was in an 8 harness silk satin that I wove 55 inches wide at 90 threads to the warp inch and about 60 to the weft inch. The fabric was beyond glorious but of course without a market for this elegant stuff I had to cut it up and then painted on it; for a few years I sold it as small paintings until a gallery owner told me that nobody cared what I painted on. Sigh.

So I have had a few dozen of these massive cones of silk waiting for a project or two worthy of them. In my current knitting follies I am attempting to knit lace with this yarn. I'm knitting on needles about the diameter of paper clips, 1.75 mm, working on a sample from Sharon Miller's book, Heirloom Knitting. To say this is a challenge would be significant understatement; maybe not on the order of threading a loom at 90 threads to the inch, but challenge enough even so. I made a mistake on the first attempted yarn over and dropped a stitch so now must go in quest of a very very fine crochet hook to resolve that issue--if I can. Yes, thanks, I already know how nuts this is, no need to share that with me, I'll take it as given, shall I?

Will I ever make anything beyond a lace sampler? No idea. I have a serious stubborn streak where fibre challenges are concerned and a pathetic desire for bragging rights in this area as well.  So I may well persevere in spite of all the clear indications of folly, at least until my eyesight gives up.

On needles of much more sensible diameters (4 mm; 5.5 mm and 6 mm) I'm making excellent progress on the Rhinebeck sweater, the lama/mohair jacket and a mohair version of the Hemlock Ring Blanket; so perhaps the silk lace idea is comic relief?

1 comment:

AnnieH said...

Hey Elly, wouldn't that make a beautiful shawl!!!
Love You!