Monday, August 16, 2010

A knitting she does go & go & go....

Shawl progress continues. As I get frustrated with one shawl or have to do endless frogging, I put that aside and pick up one of the others. Had to tink back several rows of the cashmere Feather & Fan that I'm working on when I missed a center stitch yarn over and threw the whole row into a muddle. Got that sorted and back on track to the tune of Disc 2 of To the Manor Born.

Next up last evening was the B'water shawl where I am in sight of the middle of the large garter stitch square I'm knitting. Had enough stitches to make a count. That I can knit to episodes of The Closer. The pattern requires I knit 215 garter stitches by increasing one stitch each row; then decreasing back down to one stitch. This requires fortitude and television.

The Traveling Woman shawl is at the lace pattern stage and needs attention this evening I think. And I'd like to put in a couple of hours on the current sweater project, perhaps even finishing the front bands on the otherwise completed sweater.  It is cool enough some mornings and later evenings that a light sweater would be a treat.

Meanwhile I've promised to sew up several wee barista aprons for Ms C while she cuts and pieces a felted bag under my direction. Should be a fun afternoon in the upstairs studio, aka guest room.

Now, if I don't want my name to be mud or worse, I need to get the ice cream freezer bucket into the freezer to make the girl some strawberry gelato this afternoon.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wandering back...

A year has passed since I last wandered over to this blog and updated my fiber work. A busy year to be sure. And since it is August again I've got another bad case of 'startitis' going. It is actually a late summer ritual I thoroughly enjoy.

In the list this season are the following: three pairs of socks, three new shawls: Bridgewater by Jared Flood, The Elizabeth Zimmerman anniversary Pi called Hearts, and a honking big triangle in a mohair blend. The latter is the furthest along but it is currently too big to work on in August heat. Much easier to work on the center panel in B'water which, while lovely, is endless. Working that shawl in Misti Alpaca lace on 3.75mm needles, definitely endless garter stitch here. What makes this do-able and a pleasure is having a set of Signature needles to work it on. Bliss is possibly the better word here.

I have a strange passion for working circular shawls, but of the several I've done the only one I've kept is the Girasole. I did make an EZ Pi Shawl in handspun but I'm not liking it so much now and will rip that out to re-use the yarn for socks--as soon as I have another Pi to replace it with.

In the sweater department we have Peasy, only needs front bands and to re-do the cuffs where somehow I skipped a row of garter and the cuffs look weird. Current big project is Glenna C's Basic Black which I'm knitting in a dark navy cashmere/merino blend from Colourmart in the UK. Beautiful fiber making a gorgeous fabric--love working on this. Another heavier sweater is in time out until the evenings are a bit cooler and that only needs front bands and pockets to finish it.

Completed earlier this summer: Two versions of Wendy Johnson's Seaside Shawlette for gifts.

The best part of being under-employed in the earning way is I have loads of time to knit, and clearly I'm making damn good use of it. Taking EZ's advice to knit through crisis--actually makes the crisis disappear from the front of my mind at least while I focus on patterns and stitches. Better than therapy in my opinion.

Next task is to take some photos of works in progress and finished to show you what I've been up to.

Plan not to let this blog languish quite so much, easier to do when I don't have to go out to a day job. Have a writing job of course, but today this passes as my warm up exercise.

More anon....