There is a bit of work being done of course. Not enough, but some. We'll ramp that up in the next few weeks and get the book draft done. I also have a web site draft and a couple of workshops in draft. Stay tuned for that!
Wednesday I had an energy audit done on the house by a guy from Sustainable Housing. I knew I had a lovely wind tunnel effect going and that air leakage was so pronounced I did wonder if there were actual walls behind the wallpaper in winter. Now I have proof! Apparently I have all the energy efficiency of a tarpaper shack with paper windows.
So this perhaps explains why I spin wool and knit sweaters, shawls and socks at the rate I do--I need them to keep something approaching warm for at least 8 months of the year. That said, I'd not be happy in a warmer climate as I do enjoy wearing wool sweaters and socks. My biggest complaint about the air leakage and lack of any insulation is that it costs so much money to pretend to be heating the house. I don't mind the thermostat set at 16C, but I'd prefer not to pay (or require help to pay) a king's ransom for heating oil to achieve that stupendous amount of warmth. And the costs are rising at phenomenal rates: in 2000 I paid 54¢ a litre for heating oil; now it is in the $1.10 range (I'm afraid to call and ask for the official cost, and the tank is near empty).
Now I do have a wood stove, a very pretty and efficient blue Pacific Energy, and without it I'd be really cold. This heating source works best when I'm home during the day so I can keep it going and I sit in the room where the stove is located.
My mind is on winter heating as a result of the energy audit, but today we've got a pleasant summer day, big fluffy clouds, a bit of a breeze and about 25C. Too bad there was no way to store up summer heat for winter use.
And just in case you thought that cobwebs had no earthly use (except for spiders of course) I can report that they do show air movement rather well as pointed out by the energy audit guy. That made me chuckle. Good thing he wasn't looking at dust bunny drift, that might have been embarrassing.
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