I decided that since I like the yarn so much, that once I ripped out 80% of the throw, I might as well pop it back on the needles, albeit larger ones this time and try the thing again. This is in progress and looking better, less bunched up around the pattern and slightly more stretchy. Does this mean we have an actual 'throw' in the making? Stay tuned, I just don't know at this point.
Today I received a surprise (thanks Jane!) of a pretty deep orange organic cotton yarn and Brittany birch needles on which to knit it. I believe this is destined to be an orange cat with perhaps a little white on the paws. If it turns out I have to knit it twice (see previous posts) the yarn will take it and not complain. Nor will I because the entire cat project (including whiskers!) will be significantly fewer than the 550 plus stitches of the recently frogged throw.
I'm still enjoying knitting the Hemlock pattern and for sure I'm better at it than I was in the first go-round. Oh, but what I'll do for practice. Maybe some day I'll be good at reading patterns and then following instructions; I'm certainly acquiring a reasonable facility with knitting.
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