A great week for mindless knitting to finish up projects however. Let it never be said that I do not make good use of my time, in whatever condition I find myself.
The down side of course is that as I begin to feel better, I have attacks of 'startitis' that are so frequent that more blurring takes place. I began the Orkney Pi shawl in Zephyr wool & silk lace weight. In fact, I began it several times and may have to begin it again because I think the first round is a bit wonky and I don't want to knit thousands upon thousands of yards and millions of stitches only to see that the first dozen are wrong. It's a ruddy trial to begin a circular shawl with ten tiny wee stitches on three needles that just won't behave. Once I'm past the beginning it knits up beautifully.
I'm nearly done the Hemlock Ring blanket in blue mohair that I began in August. I think I know who it will go to, but we'll have to give it a bath and make certain it 'works' before I announce the recipient.
Once I'm upright more of each day I'll finish the arm warmers, blend yarn with borrowed wool combs to spin for the socks that will go with them. For now it continues to be sofa time in my household, so I can stay as close to the wood stove as possible without roasting body bits. It isn't as if I mind knitting time on this order, I only mind the virus and coughing all night. Hopefully the latter will be done soon.
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