...pens. As a writer I can never (never!) have too many nice, good, fancy, or expensive? pens. Same goes for notebooks, printer paper and watercolour paper. Oh, and mechanical pencils (what's with that?)
...garlic. It's autumn. Winter isn't far away. One can never! have too much good garlic to approach a winter's worth of cooking and soup making.
...good olive oil. If I have several litres of the tasty stuff I'm rich, well olive oil, garlic, onions and chili flakes.
...blankies. I've been cold in winter, as a child and latterly as a younger adult. I have more blankies now than anyone requires, just in case.
...food in the freezer, even if it isn't edible. There's comfort in having a full freezer, even if it is mostly frozen compost now. If push came to shove, I'd still be able to eat, I just wouldn't enjoy it all that much.
...the pantry. It should always contain plenty of canned tomatoes, tuna, beans and tetra packs of broth.
...having plenty of toilet paper on hand. Nothing worse than being too poor to have tp when you need it, that and tissues for one's runny nose.
...the fibre stash. One can never have a stash of spinning fibre or knitting yarn too vast. I never know when inspiration will strike and in winter it can be days until the yarn store opens or the post-person delivers your project order.
...the wood pile and kindling. Can you spell warm?
...hunkering down. As soon as the weather cools I knit sweaters, socks, hats and count my wealth in terms of all of the above. Looking good this year, in spite of not having a job.
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