Thursday, April 05, 2007

April Fools are continuing to call my phone--wrong numbers of course, early in the morning, late at night and all different folks. What is it about dialing the correct number that people don't get? I particularly enjoy it when I answer, inform the person that this is a not the right number, and they immediately dial it again. This just happened as a write this note. I mean it is annoying enough to get endless sales calls at supper time without a raft of wrong numbers as well.

Ah, a gripe, what better way to begin my new effort to write regularly on this blog. Perhaps I have nothing more interesting than the occasional 60 year old's annoyance to report, but I don't believe that's true or I wouldn't bother myself or you, dear reader.

I'm decompressing at the end of a lovely day spinning Polwarth top on my Majacraft Gem in Sharon's studio, and enjoying her teaching a young girl the finer points of drop spindling. The decompression was required as a result of a drive home in slushy rain and hysterical amounts of traffic for rural Nova Scotia. Traffic gets into this state on any weekend where stores may be closed for a few hours--what? we'll starve in the next 24 hours if we don't buy out the local grocery stores while we have the chance?

Me? I'm staying home and cooking for the next couple of days. And yes, writing a book proposal and working on the non-fiction project. I'm keen to justify my long coffee swilling visits at a local cafe or two, hanging about talking to people, which of course is so much more fun than work. Will spend some time at the spinning wheel for relaxation and to keep making progress on a knitting project with a spin as you go feature.

What am I cooking? Braised cabbage, because I have a tired cabbage to use up; and braised lamb shanks for Easter dinner. Have done my research on and found two lamb recipes for which I have most of the ingredients--I'll therefore likely combine them in some way and make my own, that's usually how it works. Any excuse in both recipes, to use juniper berries.

Time to feed the woodstove and consider what I want for dinner--ah, yes, the last of the French onion soup would be perfect, a little glass of red wine and something in the chocolate way for dessert. Ciao!

1 comment:

Trollfiend said...

Your blog is sort of like a hibernating bear; every so often it comes out into the sunshine, blinks, grumbles a bit, then retreats back into its cave for another six months of snoozery.