They're going to take away my girl-card, any second, I just know it.
How do I explain that while I was being primped, soothed with warm towels and slathered in potions and lotions, greased and parafined (hands & feet); my hair being done for two hours in something called multi-dimensional low lights, that I found it simply and utterly comical? Monty Python does make-over?
I was asked several times: aren't you excited? Well, no, not really. I'll own up to being somewhat concerned however, say about my sanity. I rather felt like I was indulging a group of young children. You know, you're visiting their house and they want to play barbie, so being a tolerant and reasonably kind person you agree, but then spend most of the time wondering how you fell down the rabbit hole into barbieland.
Another way to describe the experience (which wasn't a bad experience by any stretch, just odd in my world) is that I spent the afternoon (four hours!) on a Star Ship which landed on a planet where all the 'aliens' are passionate about creating beauty or some geriatric version of it in my case, with the most amazing potions you can imagine. And then, like the fiction it is, you look exactly the same to yourself but everyone else, perhaps knowing what this has cost, or because they are part of the mass delusion on this particular planet, says your 'new look' is beautiful.
As I said in the earlier post, I'm grateful for the gift I won, but overall I found it the most odd and comical experience. And didn't I want any make-up, to renew my blush and lip gloss (renew what? I never wear make-up so do not have this blush or lip gloss thing).
So yes, I spent the afternoon down the rabbit hole on an alien planet. The women there were very very nice and good at what they do. I'm a lost cause, my girl-card will be revoked and that will the end of it. It's okay, I'm resigned, think I can live with that much more readily than the alternative. For I'm not sure how often I can dance down the rabbit hole, no matter how nice the denizens of that planet.
I do, it should be said, have a blue streak in my hair and my grey now has 'definition'. Oh well, I couldn't come away completely unscathed, or maybe it was the time travel I attempted that got me the blue streak. We'll never know...so much for this particular folly! The REVEAL! (in progress--wait for it)

Okay, now I need a martini!