Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Make-over follies, part the first

Today I met with the Team who will conduct the make-over I won.  I am a very uninformed participant in this as in the past twenty years (okay, forty if you must know) I have only had haircuts and once or twice in my life I had perms and only once have I ever indulged in coloured hair.  So I am pretty much a 'salon virgin'.  

How will these earnest young women deal with someone who doesn't know what a facial is; who's never had a manicure or make-up done professionally? Being made up for tv appearances doesn't count, that's only enough war paint to prove you are an animate being rather than cadaver material.  I'm not sure they think that they've got a live one as it stands now.  But they gently fondled my hair so they could make recommendations on what they'd like to do to it.  I was next the subject of a skin analysis (big magnifier, bright light) by someone with a very soft touch.  The general tone of the experience was very reassuring, but so far I'm probably not responding as someone excited by the opportunities I'm being given (sorry about that).  I'm pretty unsure about this and whether I'll like it; worried I'll break out in a rash or come away either with something in the hair department too geeky to endure or so nice I'll have to mortgage my future to be able to afford it regularly.

Then there is the cranky feminist part of me that wonders why on earth I'd participate in something so obviously decadent and pointless.  I don't have a good response to this except to cite my curiosity to see what it is all about.  And for the record I'm not unappreciative of the fact that this is a generous gift.

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