It never fails, I have to knit everything twice. Not because I'm so enthusiastic that I can't wait to start a pattern again as soon as I finish it. No, that at least would be understandable. I knit everything twice because I don't read the directions properly or through, the first time.
So that poor Hemlock Ring throw turned into a doily. A rather pretty and bumpy doily, I will give it that, but it ain't no where near being a throw. I tried blocking it. Hah! No way was this going to block to anything except doily size.
I resigned myself to taking it apart and using the yarn for something else because I now don't have enough yarn to do the thing properly on bigger needles. What to do, oh, what to do? No more yarn in the required colour is available.
I immediately went stash diving to find something else I could knit the pattern in. Success--I have a mohair that is knitting up nicely, on much bigger needles and so we're doing the thing again. Since the pattern is great fun, I'm not too upset about this. The mohair had an unfortunate time in the dye bath so isn't dyed consistently. I fancy this will not be a problem for me with a throw, but you never really know until the thing is done. So there's a possibility that I'll have to do it another time or two to get it right. Do I get bang for my yarn dollars or what?
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